I’ll Start “Tomorrow”.


I’ll start tomorrow. If I had a dollar for every time I said that, I’d be one rich bitch, ya feel me. Tomorrow never comes, she takes a permanent vacation far away from me. Even if I try to phone her, she says “Tomorrow” will come. Welcome to the excuse express train that I’ve been hanging tight to for a while now.


I always sike myself out with buying new exercise stuff :

new gym wear

new gym shoes

new yoga mat

new water bottle



Then I go to the gym like once, and call it quits. I end up wearing these “gym clothes” everywhere BUT the gym and makeup the alternate reality that I “will go“. This is when I hear the Excuse train blow her damn whistle.


Then the patterns sit back in and I continue to feel:







It’s a never ending roller coaster with me or yo yo dieting. I buy all the healthy veggies and fruits and food in between and get super pumped to “Pump up the jam” with my new routine, and then BOOM “Tomorrow” starts to appear back in the picture grinning at me as she smirks and holds ice cream, Mac n cheese, PIZZA, and Coke. Stupid bitch knows my weakness.


If you ever felt it still feel like this, you are NOT ALONE! That’s why I’m kicking these old habits to the damn curb and leaving them there FOREVER! This won’t be an easy process, if it was, I’d be the size 6 I wanted to be. It’s a long haul of a process, but if you start now and fight off “Tomorrow” you’ll be that much quicker to that finish line. Can you imagine that victory, step by step doing it the right way (because I tried all the cheats in the book that got me no where) will have that much more of an impact on your life moving forward.


What are some of the hardships you struggle with when it comes to excuses?


Always my loves,







Breaking the Excuse routine


That release you feel when you reach the ultimate ecstasy. Nothing can stop you. Nothing can break you. NOTHING can take this moment from you. You are Free.

I did my FIRST EVER spin class. Let me tell you something, that shit was intense. I’m an advent cyclist, but I wanted to get my spin on. It was a 45-minute class and the burn was extreme. Half way through, I could feel that intensity building up, that high. I let myself zone into the realm of the unconscious. The noise of others subsided and all went quiet. I was the only one in the room, reaching that comatose. The rush was enticing, almost hypnotic. I was in a trance on a nature trail feeling the breeze and smelling the pine. I didn’t want the feeling to end. Eventually, that high came to a cease, but I felt motivated more than ever. It’s been a few weeks since I set foot back in the gym, and this was the ultimate release I needed to persuade myself in continuing to come back.


If I told you I was excited to go to the gym that day, it would be a lie. It took a lot for me to get off my lazy ass and out in the cold to burnt some iron. I used to be such a gym brat. Every day I would be at the gym for literally 2-3 hours non-stop. I decided, I needed to break the habits of excuses and start kicking ass. I mean I could have just stayed on the couch watching mindless hours of Netflix filling my brain with comfort and laziness, but I yearned for that change in my routine. Constantly, I find myself in a routine. A routine filled with laziness and unbeneficial decisions. My number one excuse was always, “I’ll start tomorrow.” I laugh at this because tomorrow never freaking comes! I tricked that bitch to stay far, far away from me. That’s when I realized what I was doing wasn’t healthy. My eating habits, my routines, and my well-being was being taken advantage from these horrible excuses I would constantly regurgitate. It disgusted me. I needed to Break these habits and finally be the change I wanted to be.


When I finished that spin class, I felt so motivated. I didn’t expect myself to finish. A lot of people hopped off their bikes, said their thanks to the instructor, and peaced out. I thought about doing that too, but I stopped myself. I came this far, I needed to push the hell through and accomplish my goal, and I did. I felt so relieved to finish that class, especially after that high feeling I experienced. With each breath I took, it felt as if air was a never ending taste of heaven. It rushed through me so clean and lustrous. My legs and the rest of my body felt alive. I haven’t had this feeling in a long ass time. The only downfall was my ass hurt like a bitch! I’m not one to have a booty(yet), but those seats were made for toddlers, I swear. NOTE TO SELF, bring your own seat cover for the future. After class, I headed straight to the pool to swim a few laps for 25 minutes. In the water is where I find the most comfort. It’s home to me. My Piscean soul is instinctive to be near the liquescence of blue. The feeling of cold water encompassing my entire body was the perfect tension release and serenity I needed to finish off the night.


The end result. Getting off my ass and going to the gym was the BEST decision I had this week. I fought through the Habit of excuses and showed those bitches who was boss. I am excited to continue this journey of Healthy Habit Training and finding the inner peace throughout the process.


What do you guys struggle with when it comes to motivation and excuses?

Always my loves,